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The circular economy is making a strong entry into the real estate and construction sector. The utilization of demolition materials is key objectives of the circular economy in construction, as the construction industry uses about 40% of all raw materials globally. The built environment accounts for about a third of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Mervi Matilainen, Apila Group’s CEO and expert in circular economics, commented on Suomen Yrittäjät published news about new circular economy materials produced from construction waste and those diverse possibilities and also brought out Apila’s strong competence and solutions developed to improve the circular economy.

Read the article here [In Finnish]: Rakennusjätteellä kovat kierrätystavoitteet – Kiertotalouden asiantuntija: ” Toimijoiden kiinnostus lisääntynyt, rohkaisen lähtemään kokeiluilla liikkeelle”

Apila Group aims to accelerate the cost-effective and material-wise use of industrial and municipal side streams utilization in future construction products.