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Commissioned by Kiertokaari Oy and Syklo Oy, Apila scaled and tested the geopolymer recipe to suit the industrial scale. At the end of the work, Apila carried out industrial-scale trial castings with the customer at the Kiertokaari Oy’s Rusko waste station field.

Pictured is Teemu Turpeinen of Kiertokaari Oy.

“This interesting work was a good example of Apila’s material development services. Companies can take advantage of our expertise in developing recipes for new low-carbon concrete and geopolymer products and scaling products to prototype and industrial scale,” says Kirsi Mononen, Managing Director of Apila Group.

Kiertokaari Oy and Syklo Oy commissioned the field castings as part of the AshCycle—Integration of underutilized ashes into material cycles by Industry-Urban symbiosis project coordinated by the University of Oulu.